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Earthlink Does Recycling!
We're BIG on Recycling!
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Whiteware Collections

Our Recycling Department provides valuable work experience for our clients.

Stripping Electronics for recycling
What We Take.

 (Among Other Things)

 TV’s & Computer Monitors. ($10 charge each for these)

Printers. (Minimum $10- charge each for these)

Stereo Equipment - Speakers - Amplifiers - Turntables


Tape Machines - Walkman - CD Players

Computers - Laptops - Networking 

Cabling - Switches - Plugs - Adapters - Frames - Racks.

Washing Machines - Dryers - Dishwashers - Ovens.

Sports Goods - Bikes - Exercise Machines - Scooters.

Motor Scooters - Mowers - Tools - Motors

CRT Televisions - CRT Monitors.

Good Furniture - Shelving - Book Cases - Antiques.

Bric-a-Brac - Art - Porcelain - Glassware - Cutlery - Crockery.

CDs - Records - Audio Tapes - DVDs.

Estate Clearances.

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You can drop goods to us at Earthlink Goods Inwards - Next to the Shop.

Or you can leave them with our staff at the Earthlink Bay at the Silverstream Landfill and receive a voucher for a landfill fee discount! 

We can also arrange to Pick Up from your home or workplace - Give us a Call or use the Contact Form to arrange this.

 04-5677-111 Option 0 (Shop)

Recycling Wooden Items.

End Of Life Wooden items are put to good use too.

 Either for reconditioning, or to create something completely new.

There's a fantastic craftiness to many of our restorations too.


Earthlink Acknowledges The Valuable Contribution Of Hutt City Council.

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Earthlink is a Member of wasteMINZ.

Earthlink is a Member of Zero Waste Network

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